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Most cities were not designed to handle the current climate and environmental challenges. So how can we help our cities become more climate resilient while better securing water resources?
How can we help our cities become more climate resilient while better securing water resources?

Water Innovations and Urban Climate Resilience

Sustainable thinking is good. Sustainable action is better.


Recyclable Material

AquaCell is made from 100% recyclable material.


Lead Content

Our PP-RCT pipes and fittings contain the
lowest lead content – well below the US standard.


Hydroelectric Powered

All of the electricity generation at our Canadian plants, comes from hydroelectric resources.

As a market leading contributor to the built environment, our sights are firmly set on leading our industry in sustainability by 2025. We are backing this ambition with real investment, real action, real outcomes, and real leadership. Ultimately, our goal is to achieve Net Zero Carbon emissions by 2050.

Working with our customers, users, and suppliers, we will design out carbon from every product and process that we are responsible for. Our focus throughout will be to build healthier, more sustainable environments for all.

Our sustainability journey is well and truly underway at Wavin. Let’s work together to help build a better future for generations to come.

Group 8

Delivering clean water efficiently and safely has become a world-wide problem. Water is lost due to leakages and ageing networks. We aim to improve the distribution of clean drinking water from source to tap.

We will work towards these goals by raising the quality and performance of high-pressure water distribution networks, improving safety levels of drinking water supply, and building new, smarter ways of managing drinking water.

Seeing Our Water As Circular

Constrained by time, cost, and product sourcing challenges, many of today’s buildings fail to deliver on their expected performance. Through improved digital modelling, we can help our partners predict time and resource needs throughout the building process and provide intelligent solutions for better urban living.

At Wavin, we are committed to measuring the real-world impacts of our products and services throughout their life cycle. By assessing their carbon footprint and understanding what effect they have on the environment, we can seek more sustainable alternatives and continue to refine our blueprint for building a better future.

Get In Touch

Help your city become more climate resilient while better securing water resources.


“At Wavin, we are putting sustainability into action by helping our customers reduce their environmental impact through energy- and water-efficient solutions and
low-carbon initiatives.”

Freek Crum, President, Building & Infrastructure

Water demand is projected to rise by up to 70% in the next 30 years.

How can we help North American communities become more climate resilient while at the same time, better securing our water resources and improving the quality of life for all people?

That is our mission. Wavin is a global water technology company focused on building healthy, sustainable environments for the people who live and work within them.

Making the Sustainable, Attainable



We continuously develop innovative solutions for safe and sustainable water usage that support vulnerable communities and help our customers meet the challenges of climate change.

Social Inclusion

We create a positive impact on local communities by improving accessibility to basic human needs such as education and safe water in regions where infrastructure is lacking behind.

Circular Economy

Our materials and products are designed to be reused and recycled to maximize environmental value. To close the material loop, we continuously improve our procurement processes and contribute to the increase of recyclate usage.


Clear targets are key for a sustainability program. We want to create full transparency and disclosure to all stakeholders, so we develop tools, processes, and skills to collect high quality data.

Environmental Impact

We continuously optimize our production and value chain processes to lower greenhouse gas emissions. This is achieved with sustainable energy, SMART solutions, and other innovative fine tunings.

Public Affairs

We are actively involved in policy development and build strategic alliances to promote sustainability, act upon it, and further grow awareness.

Building healthy and sustainable environments

Safe and Efficient

Future generations face a 40% shortfall between water supply and demand. Alongside other experts, Wavin is working to deliver safe and clean water security through enhanced rainwater reuse, the digitalization of water management and more secure and durable piping.

Sanitation and Hygiene

Outdated sewer systems are overwhelmed by a triple whammy of urbanization, population growth and climate change. We are working towards a healthier future with long-lasting sanitation solutions that deliver greater capacity, fewer leaks, less clogging and better monitoring.

Climate Resilient Cities

Smarter systems are needed to meet the five big challenges our cities face: floods, droughts, heat stress, ground water depletion and surface-water pollution. From roof to river, we are helping with connected water capture, attenuation, cleaning, reuse, and transportation solutions to make cities climate resilient. 

Building Performance

Constrained by time, cost, and product sourcing challenges, many of today’s buildings fail to deliver on their expected performance. Through improved digital modelling, we can help our partners predict time and resource needs throughout the building process and provide intelligent solutions for better urban living.