Wavin U.S. and Canada Products
Stormwater Management Solutions
Continuing urban development, a changing climate and the consequences of increased rainfall are all increasingly prominent issues on the political and environmental agenda, and all drive the need to actively manage excessive rainfall across new and existing developments using Sustainable Drainage Systems.
Properly Designed Drainage Systems Enhance Sustainability in Our Spaces
The sustainable approach to managing water takes account not just of how water quantity is managed but also considers how improvements to water quality can be delivered as well as the creation of habitats promoting biodiversity and amenity for the community.
Sustainable designs utilizing Best Management Practices (BMP’s) and Low Impact Development (LID’s) aim to mimic nature and manage rainfall close to where it falls. They are designed to move and attenuate water within the development before it is released into water courses. Water is stored within the development where it is allowed to infiltrate into the ground or is released at a controlled rate to prevent issues downstream.
Wavin AquaCell
The Wavin AquaCell range of geo-cellular systems are a fully tried and tested, modular technique for managing excessive rainfall. Wavin AquaCell can be used as either a temporary storage tank or as an infiltration system utilized in landscaped areas, parks, domestic and residential developments, parking lots & industrial or commercial areas.

Wavin PolderRoof
In order to make smart water storage on flat roofs possible, we developed the world’s first Wavin PolderRoof concept. The Wavin PolderRoof transforms roofs into smart, controlled, water storage. In this way, the system is able to store all rain that falls on the roof and to dispose of or use at a later time. The Wavin PolderRoof enables irrigation, infiltration or a connection to greywater systems.
Wavin TreeTank
Planting trees in the traditional way – immediately adjacent to roads, pavements and engineered structures – causes trees to struggle to grow, to die, or to have their roots push through the pavement, ruining roads and sidewalks. Wavin’s TreeTank provides room for root growth and keeps roots in their intended rooting zones. Tree tanks are the perfect solution in places where roads and pavements will be combined with trees.